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Jeri Eisenberg: Bokeh

Please join us Saturday, September 17, from 6 - 8 p.m. for the opening of Jeri Eisenberg: Bokeh. The exhibition will run through Saturday, October 15. The artist will be in attendance for the opening reception.


Magnolia, No. 13, 2011


Bokeh, the Japanese term for an "aesthetic quality of the blur" in a photographic image, is the latest installment in Eisenberg's Sojourn in Seasons: Sketching with Light Amongst Trees, with this exhibit focusing specifically on the foliage of the spring and summer months. Eisenberg began the series upon the advent of her father's loss of both vision and memory and maintains the work is unabashedly retinal, as much object as it is image. Shot through a purposefully oversized pinhole or defocused lense and printed onto Japanese rice paper and lightly coated with wax, the images represent a distortion of recognizable form reminiscent to her fathers ocular and mnemonic deterioration.


Quaking Ash, No. , 2008


According to the artist, her work is "firmly grounded in the natural world, a particular place, a particular season, a particular time. But by obscuring detail, only the strongest brush strokes emerge: the images become sketches with light, literally and figuratively." Ignoring grand vistas or exotic locales, Eisenberg focuses instead on the ordinary rather than the spectacular, on the common landscapes of day to day life.


Forsythia, No. 3, 2011


As a working and teaching photographer in rural upstate New York, Eisenberg has exhibited in spaces ranging from the Center for Photography at Woodstock Permanent Collection, Dorsky Museum, New Paltz, New York to the Cordon Potts Gallery of San Francisco. Corporate collections include Banana Republic (New York, NY), Vinson & Elkins, LLP (Houston, TX) and the Sheraton Hotel (Stockholm, Sweden), among others. Bokeh is Eisenberg's second solo exhibition at the John Cleary Gallery, following her successful showing in March of 2009.


Giant Magnolia, No. 2, 2010


For more of Jeri's work you can check out our Bokeh exhibit page at the John Cleary Gallery website here or please feel free to stop in or give us a call with any other questions.


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