Patty Carroll AnOther Featured Interview

Posted on Feb 12, 2019

In anticipation for Patty Carroll's Houston debut opening at the gallery on Saturday, January 18th, 2019 from 6-8pm, Art and Culture writer at AnOther, Miss Rosen, has written about Patty Carroll and the inspiration and influences behind her lastest series, Domestic Demise.


Patty Carroll, Mad Mauve, Catherine Couturier Gallery

Patty Carroll, Mad Mauve

In the article "The Deranged Domestic Scenes of Patty Carroll" Miss Rosen shares a bit about what she learned about Patty during their interview.

"The glamour and humour of Carroll’s work provides a counterbalance to deeper issues she has been wrestling with since living in London with her husband. “I had spent a lifetime trying to develop a career using my own name, but I was always referred to as ‘Mrs Jones,’” Carroll reveals.

In response, the ‘anonymous woman’ was born. Carroll began photographing busts of mannequins with domestic objects like a head of lettuce or a frying pan placed in front of their faces so that their identity was reduced to a servile activity. Then, after her niece joined the US Marines and went to Iraq on the first sortie following 9/11, Carroll began to think about all the women whose homes were being destroyed and the project took on a new dimension.

“At the time I was trying to create a mythical perfect home,” Carroll recalls, describing her experiences renovating her former Indiana ranch house to its perfect 1950s charm. The irony was not lost on Carroll, and began to find its way into her art, transforming stresses and fears of everyone who has ever run a house." -Miss Rosen

To read the full article. click here!






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